- Types of Encryption methods-
- Ccrypt
- Bcrypt
- 7-zip
- Get all the require packages before you encrypt.
$ sudo apt-get install gnupg bcrypt ccrypt p7zip-full
- To encrypt a single file
$gpg -c filename
To encrypt data_info.txt file
$gpg -c data_info.txt //file will get saved as data_info.txt.gpg
sample output
Enter passphrase: <your password>
Repeat passphrase: <your password>
//-c - Encrypt with symmetric cipher using a passphrase .
The default is CAST5.
The default is CAST5.
- To decrypt file using gpg command-
$gpg data_info.txt.gpg
sample output:
gpg data_info.txt.gpg
gpg:CAST5 encrypt data
Enter passphrase: <your password>
- To see list of the algorithms available-
$gpg --version
To use a different algorithm add for example: -crypto-algo
$gpg -c -crypto-algo=3DES data_info.txt
- Decrypt file and write output to file document.txt u can use-
$gpg data_info.txt.gpg -o docement.txt
2. Bcrypt
- To encrypt with bcrypt use-
$bcrypt data_info.txt //file will b saved as data_info.txt.bfe
- To decrypt the file use-
$ bcrypt data_info.txt.bfe
3. Ccrypt
- ccrypt command can be used in following ways:
- by using ccrypt directly with either the -e (to encrypt) or -d (to decrypt) options
- by using ccencrypt
- To encrypt a file-
$ ccencrypt data_info.txt //original file is replaced by data_info.txt.cpt
- To decrypt a file-
$ ccdecrypt data_info.txt.cpt
4. 7-Zip
- The 7-zip compression tool also incorporates AES encryption. To create an encrypted archive use the "-p" parameter with 7z command
enter password, then the
file will be compressed
and encrypted.
decrypt file in linux
decrypt password in linux
encrypt file in linux
encrypt password in linux
linux command